Kahuna Bodywork (Lomi Ka’aleleau) is a flowing and dynamic form of massage-like therapy. In our massage course you will discover how Kahuna Bodywork uses sensitivity and long flowing strokes to provide a space for clients to experience healing and wellbeing for themselves. With the aid of posture, leverage and motion, the practitioner is able to perform the bodywork according to the script of the client’s body and facilitate healing. This allows clients to regain balance and awareness. Kahuna Bodywork also enables both practitioner and client how to access pathways to physically, emotionally or spiritually unexplored areas within themselves.

Kahuna Massage course

Begin your career as a professional bodywork therapist with our professional practitioner course.

Massage course

Join our open level kahuna massage workshops in the beautiful Byron Bay hinterland. Read more…

RPL and Credit transfer for Massage graduates
Authentic training in the lineage of Kahu Abraham Kawai’i, Kahuna.


 Professional Level Kahuna Bodywork course

The Australian College of Kahuna Sciences offers the only professional level Kahuna Bodywork course in Australia taught directly in the lineage of Kahu Abraham Kawai’i, creator fo Kahuna Bodywork.

Our massage course is led by Ki’a’i Ho’okahi Weber who is a Master of Kahuna Bodywork and trained directly with Kahu Abraham Kawai’i for 16 years before setting up the college with his guidance and blessing. We teach Kahuna Bodywork the way it was originally taught in Hawai’i, whilst making the principles and concepts accessible to the modern students way of learning.

Massage course
Massage course
Kahuna Massage Training
Massage course Hawai'i Workshop


Our open level training courses offer an intensive and immersive experience of all aspects of Kahuna Bodywork. During the residential retreat you will learn how the principles that underpin Kahuna Bodywork extend into every day life. You’ll also get plenty of opportunity to give and receive Kahuna Bodywork.

During the workshops we focus on the foundational principles of Kahuna Bodywork – refining our own understanding as
well as how to apply these when working with clients.

What our students say

'' So much is still filtering through in unexpected ways. One thing is for sure, I feel truly different and stronger from that amazing time.''

Susan, Port Macquarie

''As well as offering my clients a deeply therapeutic treatment, I am able to rejuvenate my being every time I perform''

Joy, Byron Bay

''Every client at the student clinic brought insights, lessons. So many stories, so many connections''

Gail, New Zealand

Kahuna Sciences training is a cornerstone. It has taught me an incredible form of bodywork and a way to live in harmony with natures principles. This training is unsurpassed on all levels.

Fiona, Adelaide

I am so grateful for this gift. Each bodywork is a new journey for me. My life around me has changed because every cell in my body has changed. I found my space of existence.

Isi, Austria